I sent the following e-mail today to [email protected]. Please do the same. Buffet and Gates both hate the idea of repealing the inheritance tax, so let's ask them to match their fellow billionaires on spending on the issue.
Dear Mr. Buffet,
Your gift of $31 Billion is incredibly generous and impressive. I realize that it is presumptious for me to ask that you give more, but that is why I am writing you now.
I wholeheartedly agree with your comments on the estate tax, as reported in today’s New York Times. In trying to determine its cost to the government, I have come across numbers as high as 1 trillion over ten years. A repeal would also significantly affect charitable donations in this country. Price Waterhouse has estimated that the elimination of the estate tax would result in a reduction of gifts to charity of about $5.2 Billion per year. The value of the gift you made yesterday to charity would be more than offset by the losses charitable institutions would suffer should the tax be repealed. We can only guess at how severely Congress would gut programs in education and health care, as well as scientific research, when faced with a trillion dollar loss in revenue.
The primary actors pressing for elimination of this tax, primarily other billionaires like you and Mr. Gates, have spent about 490 million on lobbying and advertising since 1998. They have used this money to distort the public’s understanding of what the inheritance tax really does and who it really affects.
I am asking you to spend money now to correct their campaign of disinformation. I am sure that the public could be persuaded that the inheritance tax is a good thing for a lot less than 490 million. A few large ad-buys in a few selected markets that would make it clear to the Senate that there can be consequences for voting against the tax next week should do the trick. After all the truth is on our side. Because the vote is next week, I must ask you to take action at once.
Sincerely Yours,
bbbustard's actual info