Maureen Dowd expresses outrage as well as anyone out there. In response to the murders at Haditha of unarmed civilians, this administration has proposed additional training in morality and values for our troops.
"There's no way to teach someone not to shoot an unarmed woman or child. If somebody doesn't already know why they shouldn't murder a baby, it's not clear that a refresher course will help." (The NY Times.6/3/06)
Remember Abu Ghraib? Bush's Pentagon concluded that the troops needed training in values and the Geneva accords then as well.
This pattern of blaming the troops is truly despicable. An American soldier does not need to be trained not to kill a baby. Our troops do not need to be trained that torture is wrong.
The barbaric administration must be trained to take responsibility for what its lies and its evil machinations have done to harm our country.