Today, Atrios entitled a link about the rights reaction to Speaker Pelosi wearing a veil with the phrase Just when I think they can't get any more fucking stupid. This is a really common sentiment for anyone who follows the insane narratives put out by the wingnuts.
He was writing of the reaction on the right to Pelosi putting on a scarf when she visited the tomb of a Roman Catholic Saint in Damascus. (She was also carrying a message from Israeli P.M. Olmert to Syria, in attempt to avoid war this summer. This is probably what got the Right so upset.)
It's a tough choice - but the outrage they are expressing over Michael Ware's possible giggles during the McCain news conference is possibly even stupider. They complain that if it is true that Ware giggled, then he should be immediately hanged and quartered along with his employer, - as his biased lack of objectivity was proven.
As Raw story has noted, he absolutely denies that he laughed, and an Agence France Press reporter whose story started this mess has supported him.
The fact is that if those at the press conference were objective, every single one of them would have burst into guffaws of laughter. McCain's photo-op was so preposterous it should have had them rolling in the aisles. Michael Ware has been living in Iraq for most of the last 4 years - to hear McCain talk about safety in Baghdad after a walk protected by 100 soldiers and five helicopters must have felt absurd.
It may be trite, but the press are not meant to act as mere stenographers. When the U.S. Press reported on Soviet Show Trials they did not report just repeat the "party line." Does no one remember the laughter that greeted Jimmy Carter after his tussle with the "Killer Rabbit."(photo) When George Romney explained the changes in his Viet Nam policies by saying that he had been "brainwashed," the entire press corps expressed their amazement, and amusement.
But guys like Redstate have shifted their outragemobiles into high gear:
"Much of the press corps there in the Green Zone, it seems, have become third-rate activists, childishly mocking that which doesn't fit their model."
The day after McCain's visit, 21 workers in the market he visited were killed. This isn't about fitting "a model." This is reality in Iraq. This was a photo-op that took twenty-one lives.
And it's reality that the wing nuts need to distort. If you were charged with a crime, Say Anything is not someone you want on the jury. He finds a video inconclusive, so Ware is guilty. The giggle, if it happened, came from the back. Ware was in the back, so Ware is guilty. Powerlies, as so often is the case, is the worst. They e-mailed the A.F.P. reporter as follows:
" ' I wonder if you would be willing to identify the journalist sitting in back who was giggling at the press confereence.
Jennie Matthew promptly responded:
Scott: I'm afraid I cannot.
Jennie '
As I read that, she can -- but she chooses not to"
(emphasis added.)
He offers absolutely no reason for his conclusion.
Sorry Atrios, but it seems that they can always get stupider.
(h/t memeorandum)