Bush lovers are really desperate people. For proof of this, please look at David Brooks' op-ed in today's NY Times, entitled "No More Excuses". He's so proud of the newest accomplishments of this administration, you'd think that his son, W., had just been bar mitzvahed.
Having called Iran called Iran a part of the axis of evil, and having watched them pursue the possession of a nuclear bomb for five years, our government has announced that we will talk to Iran. Iran has wanted to talk to us for years, but Bush has always refused.
Brooks would have you believe that this is a brilliant strategic move, or a "gutsy maneuver" as he put it. As Iran was continuing to develop a bomb, the Bush/Rice team "quickly" "agreed upon a course of action that was neither passivity, nor bombing."
They decided to use diplomacy.
That's right: Brooks is impressed that the President and the Secretary of State decided to use diplomacy. (Under other Presidents diplomacy was actually a part of the Secretary of State's job description.) Working with our allies, an agreement was reached on possible sanctions: "Reaching [it] was no easy task" according to Brooks. Normally getting allies to agree is not something to rave about; that's why they're called allies.
He writes that "the accomplishments over the past few weeks have been impressive. Bush and Rice have created a coherent policy." (Yep, - a coherent policy is an impressive achievement - for this administration.)
He concludes by writing that "this display of competence" causes him to remember other things that the administration has recently done "well;" the appointments of Hayden and Paulson. Actually promoting the head of the NSA to the be head of the CIA was never considered the equivalent of brain surgery, and hiring a Wall Street Big Shot to head up the Treasury Dep't wasn't viewed as a successful heart transplant. But we are talking about this administration.
BoBo's next piece is entitled "No More Mishaps" and will note the triumph of Bush's failing to fall of his bike for ten days straight!
I'd hate to have to call BoBo unfair because of "the soft bigotry" of his "low expectations."