The impenetrabilty of Bush's Bubble will once again be demonstrated tonight when Bush speaks on immigration. Underscoring their "see nothing, know nothing" mentality, Karl Rove said that the only polls worth paying attention to are ones done by the Republican National Committee - you know, the ones that show how much we really do like Bush and want to have a beer with him, if only Iraq wasn't bumming us out a tad right now. Laura doesn't need to look at polls; she knows the nation reveres her man.
So it's really no wonder that Bush is implementing his plan to alienate the entire country within ten days. And he going to use aliens to do it. Last week he got the left and what's left of the old right leaping on the grave of his administration; hopping mad because of the illegal surveillance programs at the NSA. His only defenders were the rabid ones - the National Review/Michelle Malkin core of the Republican Party. Tonight he will offend them. There is nothing he can do to please this group, short of announcing that he has the power to beam up 12,000,000 illegal immigrants and transport them to Mexico like a Scotty on Star Trek.(without the concern about their arriving in one piece) Plus he has to mention that the Star Wars program is ready to work - in a slightly altered form - one in which its missiles incinerate any foreigner within 3 miles of a U.S. border. (No, Congress never authorized this, but remember he added a note saying "or whatever" in his signing note on the budget.)
Mark Levin of The National Review made it clear that if the National Guard is not authorized to shoot on sight, supposition, or just a whim, Bush's administration is doomed. Just patrolling the border is not enough for Mr. Levin.
In case you thought that there was a group out there not angry at the President, please read Paul Krugman's "D is for Debacle," where he describes the debacle of Medicare part D. If the horrible features of the program listed in Krugman's article aren't enough to infuriate you, there is another aspect of the plan that I only learned about today. After you reach "dough-nut hole" status, when you have to pay full price for every medication you take since you have already consumed $2,250.00 worth of medicine, you also must continue to pay insurance premiums. You must pay premiums while getting absolutely no benefit. When Krugman concludes that everything that this administration touches turns to crud, he is not overstating the case.
Tonight Bush will make sure that that assessment is unanimous - thus becoming the uniter, not divider, that we knew he could be.