I keep hoping to find the reasonable right. Could it be Captain's Quarters? Sadly, No. He has written posts that suggest brain wave activity, but just when you thought you might have found a well-threaded wing nut, he "writes" a post that's really just a photocopy of another's despicable smears.
Today he's posted a slimy piece on Jimmy Carter, relying on Sir Dershowitz the Dishonest to supply him with facts. Except Allan Dershowitz does not do facts.
The piece is entitled "Jimmy Carter, Arab Front Man", and its basic point is that the Carter Center takes money from Arabs. Thus Jimmy is anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and "that there is no person in American public life today who has a lower ratio of real to apparent integrity than Jimmy Carter." (Of course, this argument only works if you assume that neither President Bush, former or current, has neither real nor apparent integrity whatever.)
Dershowitz writes that he used to really admire Carter, and that as recently as a year ago he did disagre with him on some issues but thought of him as one who was deeply committed to "principle and human rights. What changed his mind was the revelation that the Carter Center had accepted "Arab Oil Money." This really surprised Sir Dershowitz.
This is pure crap. Every sentient human being knows that "Arab Oil Money" permeates our political culture. The Saudis claim to have given significant money to every single modern Presidential Library. According to Robert Novak they gave up to 20 million to the Clinton Library. They gave to the Ronald Reagan Library. The closeness of the Saudi Royal family to the Bush Royal family is legendary; from their support of Neil Bush's private company, Ignite, to the million that they gave to Barbara Bush's literacy foundation, to the 80 million that they invested in The Carlisle Group. Did I mention that Prince Al Waleed gave half a million to George H.W. Bush's Boarding school to name a scholarship after him?
But somehow Carter's involvement is worse. According to Dershowitz the evil BCCI bank helped him out when his peanut farm was in trouble. Guess what other troubled companies BCCI has bailed out: W.''s Harken Energy for one. (The bank made money on its loan to Carter, which was fully repaid. Not so with W and Harken)
Supposedly, the final straw for Dershowitz was Carter's accepting money from a source so evil that Horowitz had forced the Harvard to reject a donation to its "financially strapped Divinity School." First, let me point out that describing the Harvard Divinity School as "financially strapped" is typical Dershowitz - and completely untrue. Depending on the source, the average endowment at private colleges in the U.S is between $90,000 and $130,000 per student in 2002. The 2005 endowment at the Divinity School was about $1,000,000 per student. Dershowtiz is calling an institution that is almost ten times as rich as the average, "financially strapped." And what about the evil donor, who is so dramatically identified as Shiekh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan? Sounds bad. Who is he?
He's the President of the United Arab Emirates. He's the guy who George W. Bush wanted to run some of our ports. When our government proclaims that "President George Bush praises UAE for progress in religious freedom" they are referring to him.
There is nothing fair, nothing honest in Dershowitz' article. I am not surprised when places like Protein Wisdom sing its praises, or when Blue Crab Boulevard writes
"Carter has never, apparently, found a dictator he couldn't feel good about. But Dershowitz makes a very strong case that Carter is bought and paid for.
Sadly, that ever elusive, reasonable wing-nut, is not at Captains Quarters, who wrote
'There is no doubt that Carter has climbed into bed with some of the worst anti-Semites."
I'll have to keep looking.
This post was updated about two hours after initial posting. I made no significant changes; only cleaning up and fixing some links.,