There are some on the far right who like to make vague threats of physical violence, even death, as appropriate responses to those on the left excersising free speech. It's a despicable practice in direct opposition to what our Constitution has stood for.
That blogging law professor, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit, enjoys doing this. As the more rational one, I neither predict, nor call for, his death, but I am surprised that he is allowed to teach law.
In his recent post on Haditha, he quotes a fellow:
"The real danger is that we who support the war will reach the point that we say "we might as well be taken as wolves then as sheep". At that point the left can celebrate that they have made our military and those who support it the people they claim we are. Once that happens however any compunction about respecting them will be gone, and remember one side is armed and one is not.
That is a fate that I don't wish on any of us."
Reynolds also expresses his own hope that this does not happen.
What they are saying here is quite clear: Those who criticize what happened at Haditha should be aware that people in the military and their supporters, who feel unfairly accused, might just decide to act in ways which render their possession of more literal firepower the deciding factor in any outcome.
They close with an utterly false statement that they hope nothing bad happens to us. The translation is: "I sure hope that you don't get hurt - even though it's your own fault if you do, and you deserve it, and the people hurting you are right to do so."
Short version of Reynolds post: Don't criticize us, or you'll force us to use our arms against you.
And he teaches Law?