On Monday the 17th, The Wall Street Journal had a special "Automotive" report. Gina Chon wrote a piece entitled "Cars and Politics" in which she noted that "Blue-state drivers are embracing [hybrids] much more than their red-state counterparts are. Similarly, red-state drivers tend to be bigger fans of SUVs...Sales Figures show that most hybrids are sold in blue states, located mainly on the West Coast and in the Northeast, while most SUVs are sold in red states in the South and in the Mountain time zone."
Similarly if you look at the numbers from the Energy Information Administration of the 50 states plus the District of Columbia, you note that of the ten which have the lowest per capita consumption, eight of them are Blue. Nine of the ten with the highest comsumption are Red. The average consumption in Blue states is 443.5 gallons per capita; in Red it's 509.1 gallons.
Based on the 2004 election, if the Red voters consumed the same amount as Blue voters, the U.S. would save a little over Four Billion gallons of gasoline per year.
Another of the many, many ways that the Red guys screw us again and again...