The Bush administration has given the green light for Israel's continuing reign of terror in Lebanon. Condi implied today that after enough bombing has occurred to devastate Hezbollah, the U.S. will explore ways of occupying Southern Lebanon. Perhaps Israel would occupy it, or perhaps some "coalition" of foreign troops would do it. (Remember this is the administration of coalition builders - I have no doubt that The Kingdom of Tonga is ready to enlist again.)
Clearly, Iraq has taught us nothing about the outcome of our occupying Arab lands. But maybe someone should remind our dear leader that it was during and in reaction to Israeli occupation of Lebanon that Hezbollah was born. It's exact birthday is unclear, but it was definitely after the occupation of the South which began in 1978 and only ended in 2000, that the terrorist organization was born and grew into adulthood. It flourished on the steady diet of hatred and resentment Israel created during those 22 years.
Until we get an administration with the strength to standup to the rabid "supporters" of Israel, that poor country is doomed to continous war. I put the word "supporters" in quotes because an Israel at peace with its neighbors, in its originally mandated borders, would be of no interest to such people.
Make no mistake about it - the idea that the IDF is carefully only targetting only Hezbollah resources is an absolute lie. So far it has hit a dairy farm, a church,and an outpost of the regular Lebanese army. It is aiming at, and hitting civilian targets. Why else are Eruopeans and Americans fleeing the country as fast as they possibly can?