I haven't seen Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" yet. However, like most things that humans create, I'm pretty sure that it's neither ideal nor perfect. In his Op-Ed today, John Tierney manages to slime the former V.P. by emphasizing its imperfections rather than his accomplishments.
He begins with about four paragraphs focusing on what a nerd Gore is and how he speaks with a "wooden preachiness." Tierney is making sure that we know how un-cool Gore is and always has been. The fact that Gore is right on global warming is worth one sentence. The fact that his opponent in 2000 was, and is, completely wrong on the issue is not worth mentioning at all. Tierney's next task is to mock Gore for being right, and he obviously enjoys it. In this first half of the piece, you realize that Tierney is still reliving his high school days - the unpopular kid who is never to be accepted by the cool kids, but still makes fun of the other pimply rejects that share his social circle.
In the second half he suggests that in terms of solutions, Gore is simply a pandering coward. Why doesn't Gore push for higher gas taxes, or more nuclear energy, asks Tierney? Why doesn't he demand more of his audience?
His article does not bring up how Bush has denied the existence of a problem, nor that he has tried to silence any in his administration who would mention it. He also doesn't refer to the TV commercials run by his fellow Libertarians that literally sing the praises of carbon-dioxide. Instead he treats with scorn and derision the guy who has been trying to force us to face the issue for years.
I can only wish that Mr. Tierney would someday get over his high school desire to be "cool."