From Haaretz:
"The moment of truth has arrived, and it has to be said: Israel does not want peace. The arsenal of excuses has run out, and the chorus of Israeli rejection already rings hollow. Until recently, it was still possible to accept the Israeli refrain that "there is no partner" for peace and that "the time isn't right" to deal with our enemies. Today, the new reality before our eyes leaves no room for doubt and the tired refrain that "Israel supports peace" has been left shattered.
It's hard to determine when the breaking point occurred. Was it the absolute dismissal of the Saudi initiative? The refusal to acknowledge the Syrian initiative? Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's annual Passover interviews? The revulsion at the statements made by Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, in Damascus, alleging that Israel was ready to renew peace talks with Syria?
Who would have believed it? A high-ranking U.S. official says Israel wants peace talks to resume and instantly her president "severely" denies the veracity of her words. Is Israel even hearing these voices? Are we digesting the significance of these voices for peace? Seven million apathetic Israeli citizens prove that we are not.
It's by Gideon Levy =Read it all here.
I know I'm just repeating a question asked by many:
When will we see an Op-Ed like this in the U.S.?
Thanks to people like Rep Cantor (Likud-VA) and to the "patriots" at AIPAC, Hell will have frozen over long before there will be an open and honest discussion about Israel. Tragically, Israel will be so damaged by then that its survival is very much in doubt.
(h/t) to Atrios on the Cantor Connection)
(Cantor and his fellow neo-cons prefer to incorrectly use the word "democrat" as an adjective not only because they think it's a cute slur, but also because they do not actually believe in Democracy.)
UPDATE: Please watch the video here. Cantor distorts in an exceptionally evil fashion.