A lot of news about the news today. Bush's appointment of Tony Snow as Press Secretary could enliven our political discourse. Naming a pundit to the post is an unprecedented appointment, and a real sea change from the weak, ineffective McClellan. A lot of centrist journalists have talked of Snow's honesty, and it should be fun to see how he copes with all of the lying that Bush has made a prerequisite of the position. He will be incapable of playing the innocent boob that was Scott's life boat when the waters got rough. Apparently they wanted a professional in place before Rove is over.
Maureen Dowd was in fine fettle in today's Op-Ed entitled "A Prius in Every Pot." She clearly laid the blame for our disaster of an oil policy exactly where it belongs - on the Republican "Oilman in the Oval," and pointed out how profitable this administration has been for the oil barons who made it all possible. (An added bonus was her use of "ahold of" in a Times editorial.
Adam Cohen wrote for TimesSecret on the blunderbuss that is Justice Scalia. The piece was useful in itemizing the unprofessional, embarrassing and damaging antics of Antonin, but was overly restrained and respectful, IMHO.