I generally think that Matt Taibbi is spot on. Today, not so much. He writes that the Republicans could have won the White House if they weren't so myopic. I agree that their proclivity for insulting Americans and America, as well as their belief in gut over science harmed them, but I also think issues mattered.
As the Huff post noted, Taibbi "argued that Republicans' message about financial responsibility could resonate with a lot of people, but unfortunately it is a cover for their belief that women and minorities are "parasites."
I have to believe that the next time a candidate supported by Karl Rove - the man who just spent $300,000,000 for nothing, bupkis, zilch - tries to lecture the country about fiscal responsiblity the electorate will burst out laughing. Since World War II, deficits are almost always worse after Republican administrations than Democratic ones.
In fact the Republicans have not actually had a message about financial repsonsibility for decades.