The NY Times reports that Palin calls McCain aides "cruel and mean-spirited." And of course, she's right.
"It’s immature, it’s unprofessional, and those guys are jerks” - she astutely observes. " Taking things out of context and then [trying] to spread something on national news. It is not fair and not right.” Randy Scheunemann spoke of McCain aides spreading lies.
Although accurate assessments, they will only matter when Palin realizes and admits that these were the people giving her her talking points about Obama; that those who are happy to smear her, are the same ones whose smears about Obama she so forcefully spread.
The Times reports that "Ms. Palin said that her experience made her realize how brutal national politics could be." When she realizes how brutal, cowardly, and dishonest a campaign she was a part of - then she'll have learned something.
h/t memeorandum