I didn't watch Palin's speech last night. I saw a bit of Giuliani's - enough to know that venomous dishonesty is not something I want to spend a lot of time looking at.
One reader who saw the speech found it ugly, and sad; she "kept waiting for the heads on Mt Rushmore behind her to weep hot, salty tears."
The audience in front of Palin wasn't in tears either. They were joyful. And they were old. My own parents were fiercely independent people who moved eventually into a retirement community. Watching Palin's supporters reminded me of New Years Eve at the "assisted living" facility. Old white people in silly hats drinking a bit too much - trying to recreate their youth, or at least their middle age of half a century ago.
There were significant differences -the people at the retirement home were not nearly as bitter as those at the convention, nor were they as male. The crowd at the Xcel Center was composed of twice as many men as women, which is really astonishingly unbalanced considering the age of those in attendance.
Part of Palin's appeal of course is that she is a throw back to an earlier era - she's a virtual fountain of youth for the delegates. She's from Alaska. Everyone I know who has been there talks of it as the America of 50 years ago. Fishing, hunting, and teen aged pregnancy are part of the culture. Wasilla is a town described as "the worst kind of suburban sprawl of highway-fronting shopping malls and gravel lots." The opening of a Target store in Wasilla next month is hailed as a major accomplishment. The first Target in the lower 48 opened in 1962.
Segregation was legal in 1962. A "communnity organizer" from the South Side was lucky if he was only mocked in the early sixities. In the early sixties, a high school diploma was sufficient to guarantee a good living. In Alaska it still is. Todd Palin, who never graduated from college, earned $100,000 to $120,000 per year as an hourly worker. His passion is finding training others for similar jobs: (in fact he actually sounds like a community organizer himself)
"For those of us who learn by touching and tearing stuff apart and for those who don't have the financial background to go to college, just being a product of that on-the-job training is really important," Palin said one morning over pastries at an Anchorage coffee shop, before meeting with trainers at several companies "
Those listening to Sarah Palin in the convention hall remember when lacking an education was not a problem across the U.S.A. They simply don't get that a high school diploma won't be enough in the globalized 21st century. It doesn't bother them that Bristol Palin hasn't shown up for the start of her senior yearof high school. Neither has Levi Johnston - even though it started three weeks ago. It is far more important to the G.O.P that teen aged pregnancy be applauded than teen agers get educated.
Sarah Palin is not the future. As Gloria Steinhem wrote today
She is Phyllis Schlafly, only younger.
And the Grand Old Party loves her for it, as does the adolescent septuagenarian himself, John McCain.