It may look like an op-ed with the title "The Conservative Revival", but it's actually a admission of defeat.
The fantasy of a conservative revival is based on the GOP emulating an English Tory; one who recently said:
If we are to make Britain the most family-friendly country in the world, we have to live by the words of the African saying, "It Takes a Village to Raise a Child."
This, from the same neo-con movement that vilified Hillary's use of the exact same phrase.
For once I can recommend reading a David Brooks piece. Concession speeches can be fun, especially when other losers react as did Mark R. Levin, squealing like the stuck pigs they really are.
Previously Brooks' writing of a village's support dripped with a cruel arrogance:
Anybody who thinks it takes a village to raise a child has never sat near a crying baby in first class. In these circumstances, if it were up to the village, somebody would be stapling the brat's mouth shut and somebody else would be locking mom in the overhead storage compartment.
Today's was an admission of defeat - the Reagan revolution is as dead as the permanent Republican majority.