Clearly, Captain Ed has been swallowed up by his move to Hot Air. Like the chicken and the egg, I don't know if he became lazier and more dishonest since his collaboration with Michelle Malkin grew deeper, or if she hired him because he had become sleazier. Someone with a stronger stomach than I could review his writings to probe for the answer.
Today, he writes:
Dan Calabrese’s new column
on Hillary Clinton’s past may bring the curtain down on her political
future. Calabrese interviewed Jerry Zeifman, the man who served as
chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate
hearings, has tried to tell the story of his former staffer’s behavior
during those proceedings for years. Zeifman claims he fired Hillary for
unethical behavior and that she conspired to deny Richard Nixon counsel
during the hearings:
Pure Crap.
First, it makes no sense on its face. Calabrese wrote:
When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the
That's right, after the investigation was over she was fired. When the investigation was over, the committee's work was over. To the extent that Clinton was "fired", Zeifman was also "fired."
Secondly, a quick google search on Zeifman leads you to a review of his book:
Zeifman's theory goes something like this: John Doar, Hillary Rodham, Bernard Nussbaum and other Kennedy loyalists investigating Nixon obstruct his impeachment "to cover up malfeasance in high office throughout the Cold War." The scheming starlets are abetted by Peter Rodino, a weak, corrupt chairman of the House Judiciary Committee who is afraid that Nixon might expose his own Mafia ties. Rounding out the list of conspirators is Burke Marshall, Robert Kennedy's assistant attorney general, who orchestrates the bogus investigation in the hopes of keeping Nixon in office, which will, he believes, help Ted Kennedy win the White House. Using a variety of dubious legal strategies -- still with me? -- Doar and his co-conspirators do everything they can to avoid putting the president on trial, a strategy, they hope, that will prevent Nixon's lawyers from revealing the "crimes of Camelot."
The lack of evidence makes this theory hard to swallow. Zeifman's most reliable source -- his diary -- contains few revelations and seems little more than a chronicle of his suspicions and speculations. (emphasis added)
Particularly touching is the Captain's sympathy for the poor Zeifman, valiantly trying to tell his story - in fact he wrote a book, it was published, it was reviewed by major outlets. To the extent that his story is unknown, he has only his own insanity to blame. According to Zeifman, Hillary lied and behaved unethically to prevent the impeachment of Richard Nixon.
Pure Crap.