K-Lo is someone upon whom you can depend. If you're looking for the most illogical, dishonest, smarmy use of Benazir Bhutto's assassination, K-Lo is where you go.
In a piece entitled "Not your Average Harvard Feminist", she, who so yearns for and aspires to 'average' - fails to come close. She writes, and approvingly quotes:
"... Foster said [that] Bhutto called the common practice of gender selected abortions “tragic” and said it “still haunts a world we regard as modern and civilized.”
There’s also this from Foster, which Hillary Clinton might not like to remember:
"Bhutto challenged delegates attending the conference “…to chart a course that can create a climate where the girl child is as welcomed and valued as a boy child, that the girl child is considered as worthy as a boy child.”'
There is much to criticize about Hillary Clinton, but to suggest that she favors "gender selected abortions" or that she thinks a girl child should be less welcome than a boy child, is simply a lie.
K-Lo goes on to quote Bhutto as condemning the conclusion of an international conference who, according to Bhutto, resolved "'to impose adultery, sex education... and abortion' on all countries."
Yet throughout the primary season, K-Lo's condemnation of the ongoing adultery of Rudi and Judi Giuliani cannot be heard.
P.S. Although I am not a great admirer of William F. Buckley, he did think a bit of intellectual honesty desirable, and that words had meaning - I wonder if he ever reads Jonah Goldberg, K-Lo, Mark Levin et al. It's as if they are dancing on his grave, without the decency of waiting until he enters it.