The straight shooter who was police commissioner during the last two years of the David Dinkins Mayoralty, when crime in New York began its decline, even as it was still increasing in most of the country is Ray Kelly. Our truly competent current Mayor Mike Bloomberg immediately rehired him as commissioner as soon as he took office, and crime has continued to decline.
Ray Kelly noted that there was neither Dinkins nor Bloomberg followed any of the phony billing practices which Rudi did. He also said that the justification offered by Team Rudi, that there was a need to expedite payment, has never been an issue with either Mayor under whom he served.
Romney has decided to let Rudi have some more time to explain, while noting that Giuliani "hasn’t really laid out at this stage his full explanation or all that was shown."
I hate the word Schadenfreude, but I seem to love the feeling.
P.S. The Hamptons are flooded with illegal immigrant landscapers. Fifty Bucks says Judi's Condo Complex hires illegals. As an owner of a condo, she was just as responsible as Rudi accused Romney of being in the last debate. Now that Rudi and Judi own a house out there, they probably use illegals at that home as well.