Orwell's 1984 described a totalitarian regime, partially propped up by it's perpetual war. I've been dubious about accusations that the Republicans are determined to follow that example.
But guys like Instapundit and GatewayPundit make it quite clear that they do not in fact take the "War on Terror" or controlling weapons of mass destruction very seriously. While an Islamic country armed with nukes seems to be dissolving into chaos, they are outraged that the press is not focusing enough on Sean Penn's visit to Venezuela.
Insta-Reynolds begins his post by asking:
Why is the world more concerned with Musharraf's coup than with Hugo Chavez's emerging dictatorship? Because enemies of the United States, like Chavez, get a pass.
Gateway titles his whiny piece complaining about the 'unbalanced' coverage of the two countries "Pakistan becomes little Venezuela."
These pundits think that the threat posed to the U.S. by Venezuela is as serious as what is happening just east of the mid-east. Pakistan is a nuclear power, who has been instrumental in spreading nuclear weapons. Venezuela not so much. Pakistan has harbored Osama bin Laden, and has long supported the Taliban. The leader of Venezuela has a fondness for Che T-Shirts. No part of Venezuela is governed by Sharia law.
If in fact you consider Muslim Fundamentalism a grave threat, you would probably focus more on a country of 160 million Muslims, than a country of 26 million, who are largely Catholic.
Ten days from now is the second anniversary of riots that destroyed about 60% of the commercial district of the Kingdom of Tonga. Will the press focus on that tragedy - or still be headlining the turmoil in Pakistan?
You are 100% spot on. Every word. It would be terrific if Chavez and Sean Penn would go away together, but in the mean time there are serious matters at hand. If Pakistan implodes someone will have to go in and secure their nukes and I'm guessing there won't be many volunteers.
Posted by: Rick | November 06, 2007 at 04:08 PM
And bbbustard faints dead away.
Posted by: bbbustard | November 06, 2007 at 04:47 PM