Watching Republicans try to make converts by insulting them is FUN. Go to Pajamas Media's Webutante to read how America's Jews are becoming Republican. She tells the tale of being invited to a meeting of Jewish Republicans:
Take, for instance, the concept of the existence of a group of people known as “Jewish Republicans.”
If you’d mentioned such a notion to me with a straight face up until a few days ago, I’d have burst out laughing and said something original like, “You gotta be kidding. They don’t exist, except maybe on Mars. The Jewish men and women I’ve known well over the years are wonderful people, but they’re a little to the left of the Dalai Lama politically. So pleeeease, don’t insult my intelligence.”
Apparently the P.M. writer never heard of Wolfowitz, Perle or Feith. A good Republican, she had been deprived of Podhoretz's, Kristol's and Goldberg's. Perhaps she is too young to remember Henry Kissinger...
But it's a new world since she went to the meeting, at which Ari Fleischer spoke:
It was at that moment I saw Ari Fleischer in a totally new light: He was a modern day Moses leading his people out of slavery, into freedom. But rather than leading them out of the land of Egypt, he was taking them out of the bondage of the Democratic party.
One of her commenters concurred:
Yep, and they also love FDR---despite the fact that he interned Japanese and was known to be an anti-semite. Like the blacks, the Jews have been brainwashed by the Democrats, who have never done a thing for them. But they all live in the cities, so are afraid of rural Republicans and especially Christians.
Poor Dumb Jews and Blacks - tricked again by those crafty Democrats.
Note to Bookworm: I plead guilty to the charge of taking passages from the original post and instead of printing the post in its entirety, I only linked to it in the first sentence.
(h/t memeorandum)