Today, the Republican party made it official. The Wilkerson's, even though they are a legally married man and woman are not allowed to have sex with each other. Expect to see Mr Wilkerson tapping his foot in a men's room near you in the near future.
In yesterday's post, I quoted Mark Hemingway over at The Corner who said that if you don't have health insurance, you shouldn't have kids. This is a part of the right's justification for their opposition the expansion of the SCHIP program. Two days ago Bush appointed an opponent of contraception as head of federal family planning. Susan Orr has written that contraceptives are "making everyone collaborators with the culture of death."
No Health Insurance > No Kids > No Contraceptive > No Sex
Even The Corner is stunned by the appointment. But perhaps it does explain Larry Craig. You won't get kids from the men's room.
With Thanks to memeorandum
and think progress