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« The Success of the Failure to Rebuild New Orleans | Main | A Depressing Wrap, Up. »

October 27, 2007



Of course, one need not look any further away than next door to Mississippi to contrast the difference between efficient local and state government and inept, corrupt local and state government. I guess it’s not easy to make an intellectual argument when there is nothing but racist and liars and Halliburton in ones magazine. Nice try though, the building number 7 folks will buy it. And, Lord knows, there’s lots of those folks around.

Generation after generation lives 17 feet below sea level and the best plan they came up with was to have and axe in the attic and wait to get rescued. Now that’s government dependency raised to the level of an art form. Democrats are rightfully proud. I don’t keep a sheet in my attic that says ‘help’. I sorta help myself.


Thanks for the comments, and sorry to have missed your recent ones. Also sorry that your trip was canceled - I'd be fascinated to know more about it and what you do.
I am always amazed at the faith you have in government, except when you don't. You seem to think that a guy from Blackwater can do no wrong, while a guy from the agency who hired Blackwater, ie State, can do no right. To have such faith in former soldiers from South Africa or Peru astounds me.

I hate to admit that I don't get your reference to Bldg number 7 - but I don't.

As you no doubt remember Haley Barbour was Gov of MS at the time that it received much more money for restoration per capita than did LA. From the Times:
"the package gave Mississippi about five times as much per household in housing aid as Louisiana received - a testimony to the clout of Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, a former Republican National Committee chairman, and Senator Thad Cochran, chairman of the Appropriations Committee.

I am not trying to argue that the governments of New Orleans and Louisiana were not corrupt. They were. But I do think your suggestion of governmental competence is undermined by one of the great talents of the Bush administration - the greatest politicizing of our governmental institutions that we have seen in a long, long time.

I'm sure that you do help yourself, but I'm talking about the people of a few of those Counties who fought against additional funding for their firefighters, and who then demanded help from the rest of the state, as well as neighboring states, and even Mexico.


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