I'm a big fan of memeorandum. But it can get pretty depressing. Ledeen and Israel. I used to work in a mental hospital, and watching a patient's connection to reality dissolve is sad. To wit:
- While criticizing Laura Bush for wearing a head scarf, Say Anything wrote "Islam’s requirement that women wear hijabs or burkas is ever bit as appalling as China’s tradition of foot binding." One crippled you for life, the other made you sweat too much in a hot climate.
- Another wing-nut has an odd reading of the Constitution: "Pelosi and Reid decide now is the time to try to ram SCHIP down our throats again, with no substantial changes as ordered by Bush." (emphasis added) How dare they?
- Darleen spews about Rangel's new Tax Plan, while vowing never to read it. Relying on invective rather than fact, she builds her case on the foundation of a post by Robert Reich in which he criticizes Rangel's plan. She attacks with words like "thief" and when she includes Rangel in the smear is sure to use the phrase "black hearted."
- Michael Ledeen supports the Transit Worker's Union? Only if it's in Iran. He too is proud of his ignorance.
- Reliapundit looks into the tragedy of a mother gruesomely murdered with her two daughters in Connecticut. He knows what she feels about the death penalty far better than her friends and the close-knit church she attended:
- Have no doubt about this: the high-minded Connecticut Methodists mouthing their pinko pieties against the ultimate justice of the people, are contributing to the decline of our culture, and to our eventual annihilation by totalitarian fiends. Whether they are doing so knowingly or naively, their agit-prop is, as George Orwell would have said, objectively pro-fascist.
What the post-modern moral relativists really want is no punishment at all for any crime, and sauve qui peut. They want to live in the sort of free-floating zone of vice and criminality - A commenter knows best: "I believe the statistics show that for each murderer executed there are 20 fewer murders."
At least the last guy tried for a "fact."