New York today was unseasonably warm, and even though they blocked the breeze, it was fun to see the right wing's reality hit the fan.
The huge demonstrations against Iranian President Ahmadinejihad that were promised by the right failed to materialize.
This photo is from Michelle Malkin, who was at Columbia, 116th and Broadway, where the President of Columbia harshly questioned the Iranian.
And their coverage of it was hilarious. It as if the Persian carpet was pulled out from under them. Malkin posted comments that were like the photo above - deafening in their silence. All their outrage at Columbia's invitation was undercut by President Bollinger's "liberal" "Ivy League" "elitist" questions - tough as nails. Her cautious lack of condemnation smacked of cowardice. Michelle without outrage isn't a whole lot.
Lisa Schiffren, former Quayle speech writer and big supporter of Santorum, was also rendered ridiculous. She didn't like Bollinger's haircut. She "got a little bored during the science and technology part of the blather" and stopped listening. Even Dan Riehl called her performance pathetic, and noted that "The Corner Misses the Point."
She was pleased by at least one thing - the seriousness of the protesters: "precious few were having any kind of a good time. In general that's a good sign, if it means that these kids know that the stakes are higher for them - and for all of us."
The more serious and important demonstration was supposed to be the one in front of the U.N. In fact, it was almost all kids all having a good time. The vast majority of the "demonstrators" were 16 and 17 year olds who had been given the day off from their religious high schools. It reminded me of the days when parochial schools closed on St. Patrick's day. (Except these kids weren't drinking. They were text messaging each other like crazy.)
Wing-nut bloggers will try like crazy to find a silver lining in today's events. They will undoubtedly look at donations to Columbia, and, if there's a decrease, they'll sound the trumpets. If there is a decline in giving, the cause is more likely to be that students like Lisa Schiffren, and this duo, might be seen as representative of the University.
Thanks to meme o randum