The anger at the Altmouse is always amazing, until you read her. She strives for a Peggy Noonan sort of oozing sincerity, and at the same time loves to portray herself a victim.
She also lies a lot. And smears people a lot. She distorts all the time. Today's piece on "Giuliani and Race" is par for the course.
She starts out by arguing that Jesse Jackson and Ronald Reagan held equivalent positions on the political spectrum - one a left wing radical, and the other a right wing one. She might have a point on this one.
She then quotes a New York Times article including quotes about Rudy. Ms Altmouse includes a description of Giuliani as being "so corny that he proposed to his current wife at Disney World." Her comments omit the fact that his corniness included cheating on her repeatedly, and publicly. He was so corny that he announced his intention to leave his wife on TV with the mistress he picked up at a cigar bar at his side. (Now, the current Mrs. Giuliani.)
Altmouse quotes an article in the Times which contrasted the pictures of Abe Lincoln and Babe Ruth on Rudy's office wall, with the pictures of Jennifer Capriati and Nelson Mandela, on Former Mayor David Dinkins' office wall. Clearly this is meant to be symbolic of the moral superiority of Rudy. But although Capriati did have her problems, they were well after this article was written. When her picture was observed on Dinkins' wall, she had a record that was full of incredible accomplishment.
Madame Altmouse concludes with an incredible last paragraph:
Well, it seems that the NYT is keen on bringing race forward in the discussion of the 2008 campaign. I doubt if it helps Giuliani to sort through the painful incidents of the 1990's, though it can't hurt to repeat the amazing statistic that he reduced crime by 60 percent.
I might agree with her that the Times has its nerve to bring up the subject of race in the 2008 campaign. Of course it is not an issue. It's really unfair to bring it up because "Republican voters, who are overwhelmingly white" aren't interested.
I'm not quite sure what the painful incidents of the 1990's were for Rudy. He certainly seemed to relish his supporters calling his opponent for the mayoralty a "washroom attendant." Perhaps it upset him that he refused to meet with almost any African American leaders while he was mayor - not only Al Sharpton - but also virtually any black leader.
But at least he gets to repeat, and Altmouse to regurgitate, the "amazing statistic that he reduced crime by 60 percent." It wasn't amazing. Other cities actually did it. And much of the reduction he boasts of happened before he became mayor. Crime tumbled in the last two years of the Dinkins administration, after Ray Kelly was appointed Police Commissioner. As soon as he was elected mayor, Giuliani fired Kelly. It was obvious the crime rate was falling through out the country,and Giuliani could not retain Kelly and even try to take personal credit for the decline. Today's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, rehired Kelly, and crime in New York has continued to fall.
The world still awaits a better mouse trap.