Christopher Hitchens has donned the faux outrage du jour, and he looks just as silly as Little Green Footballs or Michelle Malkin, to who's level he has now descended.
Paying a penny for a thought from Mr. Hitchens has been a bad bargain for a long time now, but seeing him in a shlock jock from his head to his toe, is still depressing. Defending a guy who twice stuffed a Koran in a toilet at Pace University here in New York, Hitchens writes:
When I check into a hotel room and send my free and unsolicited copy of the Gideon Bible or the Book of Mormon spinning out of the window, I infringe no law, except perhaps the one concerning litter.
Hitchens cites no evidence that the Koran had been placed "free and unsolicited" onto the property of the book flusher. Hitchens is just writing crap. If Hitchens were to throw said book out the window of his room on the 53rd floor of the Hotel Mandarin in in New York, he could expect a visit from the police. If he did it again, he could expect an arrest.
But Hitchens wants to wear his outrage on his sleeve:
This has to stop, and it has to stop right now. There can be no concession to sharia in the United States.
There is no concession to Sharia Law here. There is only a recognition that Pace has a right to unclogged toilets.
(h/t memeorandum, Hot Air)
So then, let me see if I can find my way through the fog and understand your position. You’re saying that clogging a toilet with anything, say for example a legal pad or two is and should be a felony? And it has nothing to do with a Koran? Hitchens is incorrect to say that this is a ‘sensitivity’ reaction to Sharia law rather than to a plugged toilet? You do paint yourself into some peculiar corners Bustard.
I have no way of knowing this for certain, but I suspect you take issue with Hitchens’ spot on description of the ‘religion of peace’ which you seem to defend with a knee jerk regardless of the horrific nature of the crime.
Posted by: rick | July 30, 2007 at 07:45 PM
There's really no reason to think the Koran isn't the university's; one would think that if that were the case, it would have been noted. That said, it isn't clear either way.
And that said, the whole case is flat out bullshit. The defendant will - and should - collect a megasettlement from the city, and CAIR will be further marginalized as a bunch of crackpots.
- die hard liberal: long time listener, first time caller.
Posted by: jpe | July 30, 2007 at 09:34 PM
Not a hate crime. (Not based on the facts I've seen, anyway.)
Not a felony.
Not legal, either.
Hitchens is still a pompus blowhard, though... Kind of an O'Reilly style populist for the overeducated right.
Posted by: repsac3 | August 02, 2007 at 04:41 PM
Hitchens rocks, baby!
Posted by: nyomythus | May 09, 2010 at 05:30 PM