Memeorandum linked to another blog bro-ha-ha that shows the small mindedness of Ann Althouse, still on the subject of the racist Rudy Giuliani. The poor little mouse is upset that TPM did not provide sufficient context for a short video showing Rudy shouting the words "Bull Shit" to a crowd of drunken cops.
If you were unfamiliar with the story of that near riot, and Rudy's rant before the "demonstrators" that encouraged it, you would not understand the significance of the clip. This is a detail that Althouse has right.
It is also of no importance. Althouse has no interest in the reality, only the technicality. It would be O.K. for her to give TPM a slap on the wrist, IF she went on to point out the despicable behavior of Giuliani. But she didn't. She is just not interested in Rudy's racist devisiveness, nor in the fact that racial anger was less in the years before Rudy, and in the years after Rudy.
As always, Althouse is the victim. Pity Poor Ann.