The Bush White House and the Sun around which it rotates, Dick Cheney, are starting to scare me.
Look objectively at the video of Bush after the immigration bill was killed, and you'll see a guy who is on his last legs - the wind's been knocked out of him.
Think about the absolute absurdity of Cheney's attempt to argue against every vice-President in our nation's history that his office is not part of the executive branch and you'll realize that this is not just a poor argument, not just an indefensible argument, but a monumentally stupid argument. It is unbelievable that no one was able to stop this argument from being made. Clearly, things are out of control. Some in the House are suggesting that the Office of the Vice President be removed from the executive branch's budget, and one Republican Congressman asked if Cheney would at least be granted a Katrina Trailer. (I would agree to this only if said trailer remained in New Orleans' ninth ward.)
Read the Dean of Punditry, the Bush-supporting David Broder's description of
"what has become, in very large respect, the resulting wreckage of foreign policy, national security policy, budget policy, energy policy and environmental policy" under this adminsitration.
I know that Bush has always opposed reading, looking objectively, and thinking. I also have never believed in the myth of a competent Bush, not an honorable Cheney.
But this is our goverment until early 2009, and it's apparent implosion and disintegration scares me. I just don't want to be competing in 2008 with Iraq and Sudan for last place.