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May 02, 2007



Webb is the ‘real deal’. He is as heroic as they come. Kerry (I am assuming you are not referring to Bob Kerry who was also the real deal) is not. He is a fraud. He gamed the system. He made himself to appear to have been heroic. To borrow your favorite word; he lied.
He has you “baffled”.


I was not arguing as to whether or not John Kerry's service in Viet Nam was heroic or not. I was comparing it to being stationed in Europe during the Korean conflict, and to acting as a journalist in Viet Nam.

John Kerry seems a real "hot button" issue to you -
And yes, much human behavior baffles me


Kerry and I are contemporaries. In a sense, all who served over there are related. But with Kerry, there are common threads running through our service. I have some personal knowledge of some events.

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