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April 11, 2007



This sort of constant diet of racism and the support by the white masses for it against blacks( mind you if this had been gay/lesbians, Asian women, hispanic(the new flavor of the month) or middle eastern no one would argue that D.I. should be fired. But somehow blacks should quit their "belly-aching" and self-victimization and get over it.
There have been recent studies that show that racism actually contributes significantly to health problems and stress related illness in blacks. High blood pressure being one of them. This disease is disproportionately seen in the black community with no rational other then racism being the culprit. That is unbelievable sad that in the 21st century racism is still killing people in the US. That is the biggest reason why I have chosen to live outside of the US. And I encourage other blacks to leave as well...taking their tax and consumer dollars with them...good riddance to a country that is hateful and terminally ill.


This sort of constant diet of racism and the support by the white masses for it against blacks( mind you if this had been gay/lesbians, Asian women, hispanic(the new flavor of the month) or middle eastern no one would argue that D.I. should be fired. But somehow blacks should quit their "belly-aching" and self-victimization and get over it.
There have been recent studies that show that racism actually contributes significantly to health problems and stress related illness in blacks. High blood pressure being one of them. This disease is disproportionately seen in the black community with no rational other then racism being the culprit. That is unbelievably sad that in the 21st century racism is still killing people in the US. That is the biggest reason why I have chosen to live outside of the US. And I encourage other blacks to leave as well...taking their tax and consumer dollars with them...good riddance to a country that is hateful and terminally ill.


Thanks for your comment. I sincerely hope that we're not terminally ill, and maybe some of the very recent news, like the investigation into Abu Gonzales, and Imus being fired, show positive signs. And thanks for the link: the "interesting" pattern of high blood pressure among blacks - it should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't.


It's OK to ruin an old white shock jock for saying "nappy" and "hoe" but not black rappers???:
"Love to get my girl, to rock that body
Before I left I hit the Bacardi
Went to her house to get her out of the pad
Dumb hoe says something stupid that made me mad
She said somethin that I couldn't believe
So I grabbed the stupid bitch by her nappy ass weave
She started talkin shit, wouldn't you know?
Reached back like a pimp and slapped the hoe."
-Boyz-N-The-Hood - Artist: Eazy-E

As you can clearly see, the words "nappy" and "hoe" certainly DO appear in rap music. Imus is not a victim... he is merely a REFLECTION of the culture in which we all live. Disrespect for women in general and in this case, black women in particular. Imus most certainly DID absorb this verbiage from black "culture". His firing indicates a DOUBLE STANDARD.


Don Imus got used to being able to say shocking and politically incorrect stuff over a 30 year career. He should NOT be singled out when the black rap and hip-hop culture makes millions of dollars dissing black women and calling them hoes. And what's the big deal about the word, "nappy"?
If anyone is actually insulted by the adjective "nappy", DO take a look at this helpful webpage - there are plenty of euphemisms for it there (curly/kinky/wavy/frizzy):

Thanks for the comments. Calling students doing their best "Ho's" is just not acceptable. (Imus's sidekick also called them "jigaboos.") But more to the point, Imus and Rap are not related. (Remember your Mother teaching you that two wrongs don't make a right? It's still true)I would be perfectly happy to see radio stations and record companies refuse to air Rap songs like the one whose lyrics you quoted.

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