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March 26, 2007


Farmer Mark

I didn't see the Kouric interview but it doesn't seem to me a bad thing that she pressed those obnoxious questions. Lots of people are thinking those questions, and it's best to get them out on the table and answered in a direct sort of way.

It's hard not to see the Edwardses' decision to proceed with the campaign as their way of facing down the illness, refusing to succumb. And it's hard not to anticipate that if things go badly, the decision will change. This concerns me, a "leaning to Edwards" Dem at this point in the campaign, only a little. While one doesn't want to see the enormous resources required for a campaign swirling down the drain, whatever base Edwards builds through the campaign can be used to sway the ultimate Democratic pick in a progressive direction.

It is wonderfully encouraging to hear of the good results of Mme Bustard's treatment. Next time the insurers dick her around, maybe you should talk to a health insurance lawyer?


Thanks for the comment Mr Farmer. If you hear of a good health insurance lawyer, would you let me know? You could always e-mail me. I agree with your point that no real harm is done by their carrying on - and in fact in some ways it will be a real help in discussing health care.

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