The results of the recent Pew poll can only be described as great news. But a recent piece in Salon, linked to by memeorandum, that says
"Democrats should give two cheers for George W. Bush. He and his political mastermind, Karl Rove, dreamed of achieving a permanent Republican majority. Instead, his disastrous presidency has dealt a devastating blow to the GOP, one from which it may not recover for many years."
is remarkably stupid. It's not alone.
The hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis are not going to be cheering anytime soon. Nor will those American soldiers being mis-treated in Walter Reed. The people suffering from the disaspora created by the bungling of Katrina, won't be rising up to join in the cheer either.
The last six years have been devastating to the GOP, but at what cost? They've also been devastating to the world.
And it's not all Bush's fault. We must not forget that he is the leader of the Republican Party, and he represents them well. Since Reagan, that party has argued that government itself is the problem and their abject failure at governing is the only possible outcome of that conviction.
In fact the problem is not in the person of George W. Bush; it is in the very principles for which the Republican Party stands.