It's standard operating procedure for some right wing bloggers, and helps explain the existence of thatl 25% that is so loyal to the Republican party.
You just make crap up. Facts have no place on many wing-nut sites, and thus their readers are deceived.
Today's example:
Atlas Shrugs begins a post "The left sides with militant Islam because they are animals too, only with (marginally) better clothes." A sentence like that might make you wonder what makes her accuse the left of siding with "militant Islam." What justifies her conclusion her calling me an animal?
She continues with her post with a quote about a blogger named Eliot Stein's really nasty treatment of the recently deceased blogger Cathy Seipp. Assuming that the story is accurate and complete, his behavior was despicable, and it would be fair to call the guy an animal.
But what does that have to do with the left? Absolutely nothing.
From the Desert and the Sea posted about the incident, initially writing:
"I guess there is some right vs.left angle to this."
But the writer had the decency to correct himself, clearly and quickly. The corrected post reads:
I guess there’s some right vs. left angle to this,(There isn’t: See the first comment below.)
An actual, close friend of Siepp's named Kate Coe had commented: "Oh it's not that at all... Politics not even involved."
But the horrid harlot at Atlas Shrugs has no decency - she just makes things up; while using a tragic death to shamelessly manipulate and deceive.
(h/t memeorandum)