If you had any doubt that the newly elected forces of reason will have their hands full when they take control of Congress next year, please listen to the voices of the right wing blogosphere. It's really scary to look into the mindset of wing nuts.
A man named Shareef was arrested near Chicago, charged with planning to plant explosives in a local mall. He had made a traded with an undercover cop: two stereo speakers for four grenades and a hand gun. (Hot Air)
His name was clearly Islamic, and he was clearly insane. But to the right:
- "They are here, more are coming, it is just a matter of time, homegrown and/or foreign terrorists are in our cities, neighborhoods, and rural communities. Acting alone or in a terror cell, they are in the thousands, their main focus, goal and wish is to kill us here on our soil... GET READY!!" (Suzie) (How she knows, I don't know, but she knows)
"And while it doesn't appear that the alleged plot was a serious and imminent threat, it seems that the attack was ideologically motivated." (poli PitBull) {Never mind that the word "plot" implies a conspiracy. A single player does not make up a plot, but a plan. There was no attack.)
Reports are, of course, quick to stress that accused jihadi Shareef allegedly acted as a "lone wolf." He is not alone." (Michelle Malkin) (She too knows all, and as always, does her best to create ever more hysteria.)
- "It was only a matter of time...[security at U.S. malls is abysmal]." As a matter of fact a few weeks ago I walked through a mall here and counted the people with backpacks walking around and commented to my wife, “Too easy!” (macsmind) (pity the poor wife - what a fun guy to go shopping with.)
[He] is a smarter terrorist than al Qaeda. Osama bin Laden’s group keeps on trying for the spectacular.... Attacking targets with lower security like shopping malls and schools would be easier to implement." (theamericanmind)
"Any time now, the Left will be claiming that it wasn't a serious plot..." (bluto) (at least this fellow is accurate, I am saying it wasn't a serious plot.)
By the time I get this posted, I'm sure that another dozen right wingers will have added their piece of paranoid prose to the muddle. And why hasn't Dr. Sanity spoken to this issue - it's perfect for her?
Will it be possible to reach such people?