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George W. Bush, and his wife Laura, accompanied by Former Mayor Giulani (Repub), Governor Pataki (Repub), and Mayor Bloomberg (Repub), approach Ground Zero in a wreath-laying ceremony there yesterday. New York's Senators Schumer (Democrat) and Clinton (Democrat) were apparently not invited to attend.
Here, Pennsylvania Senators Santorum (Repub), Spector (Repub), and Former Governor Ridge (Repub) are photographed attending a 9/11 ceremony today in Shanksville, PA. Democratic Governor Rendell was apparently not invited.
Aren't you glad that we had non-partisan ceremonies marking the attacks of 9/11? Politics be damned when it comes to The War on Terror! !
If it's any consolation, I saw Mr. Giuliani touring the Tribute Center on Liberty Street opposite ground zero yesterday morning. Though accompanied by lots of flashing cameras, there seemed little adulation of this over-rated and sinister man from the families and survivors in the Center.
How did Bustardblog weather the day? I found most of public commemorations to be inadequate ways to deal with the memorializing and processing functions necessary to such a recent, raw event and think someone should try to come up with a ritual that is appropriate, meaningful and unique to this occasion.
Posted by: Farmer Mark | September 12, 2006 at 11:33 AM