I'm a big fan of memeorandum; and usually go there a couple of times a day to find out what's happening. I'm a happening kind of bustard.
I always find it fascinating to look at what is linked to when the primary article covers tradgedies in Iraq. Today the A.P. reported on the death of 8 U.S. Soldiers over the weekend.
The response in the blogosphere on days when such horrible news is released was typical today. Blogs on the right prefer to simply ignore, or at best minimize, the loss of human life - either Iraqi or American.
The reports on the eight deaths were linked to by five blogs. Four of them from the left, (All Spin Zone, Middle Earth Journal,Informed Comment ,The Left Coaster) and only one from the right (Op For).
Typical of the right, Op_For described the event as "A spasm of violence in Iraq, five American dead." Characterizing 5 dead a "spasm" is bad enough, but the article in the WaPo to which he linked had actually reported on NINE dead.
U.S. forces meanwhile, have lost nine soldiers since Saturday, the military said in press releases, making it a lethal weekends for them as well.
At least Op-For is actually in the military, and clearly honors the deaths of his fellows. The fighting 101st keyboarders won't put down their bags of cheetos and come up from their parent's basements to acknowledge the losses.
Forget the "Support Our Troops" slogan . The real motto for Bush and his followers is "Deceive Our Living Troops, Ignore the Dead Ones."