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« Supporting Lebanon, Bush League | Main | Killings in Lebanon »

July 25, 2006



It's 72 virgins Skippy. The least you could do is try to get this stuff right. Congratulations. (I guess) You finally mentioned that Hezbollah is committing war crimes. Now that's balance; or proportionality if you prefer.

Did you notice that, on the one hand, you say that Hezbollah is committing war crimes, but in the next sentence you offer up an excuse? America has not been selling them "our top of the line weaponry". I am just wondering. In your world, is America ever not evil? Ever?


Rick - you're not up to date. The number was reduced to a recent, unexpected surge in demand.
I'll have to respond to the balance of your comment later -


1. The above should read "was reduced due to a recent, .."
2. Sorry that my original post is also unclear. I offer no excuse for Hezbollah. I am quite happy that we do not supply them with our top of the line arms. I do believe that there is something disingenuous when we hail the Israelis for only using precision avoid civilian casualties, and complain about the inhuman Arab dogs who in fact are using the only weapons available to them. We condemn them for not caring about whether they hit Israeli citizens or not, but in reality the Israelis are killing many more civilians than is Hezbollah.
I do not think America is evil. I do think that the current administration acts with a swaggering arrogance, a stupendous stupidity, and an utter disdain for truth that both betrays and damages America. The result of far too many of their acts is evil.

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