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July 13, 2006



Goldstein's kid is victimized by the fact that his daddy writes disgusting things on the web and drags his two year old into it.

Satchel is victimized by the fact that when he is in kindergarden and the class googles their parents, the other kids will find websites for professors, picture albums of trips to disneyland and satchel goldstein will find Count Cockula's pseudo-political porno site.

Teacher, teacher, what's a cocksucker?

Poor Satchel.


"The good Professor Frisch"? Curiouser and curiouser. So now you wallow with swine bbustard? Is there one person on that side who is not worthy of your defense? Anyone too vile? Will you never grasp the concept of "jettisoning your crazies"? I hope not. You truly are a loyal lapdog.


Of the two, Frisch and Goldstein, there is no question as to whose behavior was more dishonorable. Poor Jeff was threatened, and so Frisch lost her job. But Jeff was never threatened, and neither was his child. I am not in any way defending Frisch's comments, which as I wrote many times were abhorrent.
Only the even more repulsive character of Mr Goldstein, makes Frisch seem "good" in comparison.
Sadly, swine looks pretty good after Goldstein.

jeremy in NYC

BBustard, you seem like your intentions are good, but I can't understand where you're going with this one. Whatever one thinks of Mr. Goldstein, he did not make a (still continuing) series of creepy efforts to drag a 2-year old into this. And as has been pointed out elsewhere, Ms. Frisch quit her job; she was not fired.

As or your above point, you may want to modify the post, because it displays a startling mis-read of the article. The article states: "In turn, Fund accused her of stealing checks and making credit-card purchases in his name totaling $38,000. He also filed a counterclaim accusing her of witness-tampering, including contacting his employer."

See, it says what the "contacting the employer" thing is about right there in the part of the sentence that you clipped. Witness-tampering. Which is not an issue here. Also, kind of odd that you clipped that section out of the middle of your quote. Seems a little disingenuous, no?


Thanks for the comment, and especially for allowing that I might be well intentioned. I found the sentence referring to "witness-tampering,including contacting his employer" a bit ambiguous as to just what the exact accusation was.
More importantly, I was trying to use the quote to point out how over-the-top this situation had become, and I wanted to do it in a tongue-in-cheek kind of a way. I did not really expect any lawyer to take on her case based on my post. I actually don't think she has any case. I'm not a lawyer, but I would think the judge would throw out any suit from Ms Frisch immediately. I wasn't trying to deceive.
I've been away for a few days, and am sorry I didn't get back to you sooner - I plan on posting more generally on this subject this evening.


Yes another Kool-Aid guzzling intellectually dishonest unthinking sheep-creature calling himself a liberal .... while embracing not a single of the tenets of actual liberalism.

Not tolerance. Not compassion. Not diversity. Not respect for women or children.

Just another partisan. Unable to think for yourself.


Dave - Damn, I thought you actually reasoned. Where does your comment of 7:15 PM come from? "Not respect for women or children" Do you only spew, or can you think?

jeremy in NYC

Look, I just think your take on this is a little off. Obviously, that's your right (it is your blog). But on this one, I think the only thing Dr. Frisch should have done was apologized and walked away. The fact that she's (i) still running around calling him "Count Cockula" (and worse, calling his wife "Cunt Cockula"!?) (ii) making up stuff about how he changed her comments (I looked at the IP logs PW put on display), (iii) continuing to make these weirdass comments about his kid, and (iv) otherwise acting like a three-year-old who's enjoying the attention regardless of how she got it, says to me she still doesn't get what she did wrong.

Just my 2 cents.


I think you're right. I am no fan of Ms. Frisch. I just think that Goldstein's way of dealing with a three year is really dishonest and abusive. A Pox on both their houses, IMHO.

word warrior

Aw, bustard. Shucks. I thought u wuz a fan.

If anyone victimized Satchel Goldstein, it was Jeff Goldstein by not deleting my ramsey comments from his blog and planting the fake auntie moonbat saliva comment.

Advice to Jeff: Next time you piss off a troll so bad s/he says nasty things about Mrs. Cockula or Satchel, delete it!


Deb - No I'm not a fan of that performance. I tried to always be clear about that. But I thought it grossly unfair that the Pasty One tried to make it seem as if you were delivering a monologue, when he was right there on stage with you the whole time. The child was not victimized, nor Jeff, nor his wife. I hold that the one closest to being a victim, although in no way innocent, was yourself. No Question: The Vile Manipulation Award belongs to Mr. Goldstein, with an assist from Froggy of Blackfive.

P.S. I didn't think that you were a fan of your performance either.?!


Because I got a comment today from Ms Frisch, I happened to read yours of the 16th again. Are you studying bad, silly writing from the Golstein University? There is great pomposity, and sloppiness, in your comment that would make the Paste Eater Proud.

"unthinking sheep-creature" The word creature adds what to the fragment?

"not a single of the tenets of actual liberalism" - I know that one of the poseur's postures is a claim to liberalism, but it's bogus; and why are you using the plural? Does it make you feel more important?

"calling himself a liberal".... unable to think for yourself" himself or yourself? Which is it?

I'm not a good writer, but I think you might be trying to be one.
Some advice: Drop Out of Goldstein U. Now!


Dude, you should really update yourself as to what is going on with the "Good" doctor. This site is bipartisan and tracking her.

You might be interested to know, at this time, an unknown party in Oregon had her arrested and charged with stalking and two counts of telephonic harassement. We are betting it was her former colleagues at UO. Because right after her court date, some very nasty posts on her blog disappeared.

For anyone to support this woman based on her politics alone is just Teh Crazy. It's okay to push her aside. You should see the right did to Deb Schussel. It's only appropriate to have a Deb for each side.

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