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« Continuum of Civilianality | Main | Proportionality »

July 24, 2006



You're right, Bustard. The lack of proportionality goes back a long way. You can count and so can the 1.5 million Muslims who are becoming increasingly disgusted by the U.S. and Israel's lack of regard for Muslim life. Thirty million dollars is an insult, when our bombs and armaments have created billions of dollars in damage, hundreds of thousands of refugees, thousands of wounded and hundreds of deaths. Israel claims to be a victim while it acts as a bully. People are still afraid of the Israel lobby, but as we in America increasingly pay the price for this savage behavior, that fear will lesson and the tide will turn.


Sorry bustard. Correction. 1.5 BILLION Muslims. And for this we allow 7 million Israelis, not even the population of New York, and really six million if you take out the Israeli Arabs, to wreak havoc in the world. What are we thinking?


You are not thinking.

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