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« Condi's Flying Dutchman | Main | Vacate Afghanistan »

July 22, 2006



It is reasonably safe to assume that 100% of every ordinance used by Hezbollah originated in Iran. It is flown directly (almost always from Tehran) into Damascus, where it is frequently (if not usually) off loaded in broad daylight, then loaded directly onto waiting trucks and shipped to southern Lebanon. This has been routine for six years, and as recently as 3 weeks ago you could have flown into the Damascus airport and watch the entire event while enjoying a glass of the almost drinkable local table red. They have been that brazen about the matter.

"Should Israel be bombing Beirut or Washington?"

Why would you choose to end an otherwise thoughtful post with an absurdity? That same reader that may suspect you of being either pro terrorist or anti-Semitic, might read that as anti American.

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