One of the many organizations utterly beyond my ken is the Log Cabin Republicans. I don't remember reading about a Gays for Hitler movement. While travelling Central America, I never saw the ruins of the Aztec temple that housed the "Viva Espana Partido." Did Sitting Bull ever erect a Welcome Tent for General Custer?
In case any more evidence of who conservatives really are, one need only look to the shorter version of the explanation offered by Hugh Hewitt (And applauded by Powerline), as to why Andrew Sullivan changed his position in Iraq from Pro-War to Anti- War:
'180 Degree Turn By Sully- Frightened Faggot Flips'
Powerline's longer version follows:
"This morning, Hugh Hewitt did a lengthy post on the "180s"--conservatives, some real and some faux, and others, who once supported President Bush on the war and now have turned against him. Hugh makes many good points along the way. His skewering of Andrew Sullivan is priceless:
The same path has been traveled by Andrew Sullivan, who soured on the war as soon as it sunk in that same-sex married couples would not be allowed to fight it."
There's simply no room for a Log Cabin in the Republican "Big Tent."