The Supreme Court today ordered the arrest of the “writers” at Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller. Although Justices Breyer and Ginsburg found that the instructions that had had been posted on the site (“Five Ropes, five robes, five trees. Some assembly required.”) were merely symptoms of hysteria, and not an actual death threat. Scalia and Thomas were in the majority, arguing that the reaction of the two justices were further proof that democrats were really the party of death, as they had such a cavalier attitude to being hung from a tree. Thomas , muttered something about a low tech lynching, and then insisted that a death threat was a serious matter, and those who made the threat must be held accountable. In their defense, the Rottweillers claimed that it was not nearly as bad as posting threats to a two year old. Scalia remarked that even the child of Jeff Goldstein, with all his premature protean knowledge, was probably unable to read the threat at the age of two. The Rottweillers, with the remnants of their tails firmly between their legs, were last seen scurrying off to Mexico, where their reception may be warmer than they expected.
P.S. if you are masochistic enough to go there, please see this piece about the death tax. It is hilarious. Not one fact appears in the post. Not one. Complete, total Bull….