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June 09, 2006


Jeff G

I actually redacted personal information from Dr ------- of ----------* College, and have been willing to let this go.

That is, unless people keep bringing it up and trying to act as revisionists.

There is nothing "honorable" about "Thers," unless you think his method of arguing lit theory -- for which he was taken to task by actual literary theorists -- is honorable. But even some on the "left" don't think dismissing your opponents with juvenile remarks about "paste eating" while you're showing time and again that you have only the most rudimentary grasp of the subject matter you pretend to be lecturing on is in any way worthy of the spirit of academic inquiry.

But then again, Community College profs aren't known for their academic chops anyway.

I expect you'll delete this. But then, let's not pretend you haven't been brought up to speed.

*NB: I have altered Mr. Goldstein's comment and removed the name and the place of work of the gentleman who wishes to be know as Thers. The voracious gobbler of paste, Jeff Goldstein sent his comment with a definite name and workplace clearly stated, even though they are not any of my business.


Thank you for your kind words.

I'd ask you to please remove my name, but otherwise, please allow Mr. Goldstein's comment to stand.

It says pretty much everything you need to know about him.


" But then again, Community College profs aren't known for their academic chops anyway"

Unlike almost-PhD's who used to be TA's at the University of Denver...

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