I understand that in today's Republican controlled Washington, you have to pay to play. I just can't understand how they determine the rates.
- If you wanted to have a picnic lunch today with Senators John McCain and Linc Chaffee - it would have cost you $40.00. This fundraiser is being held in Rhode Island today from 12-2:00. 2 Senators, 2 hours, $40.00: So you're paying $10.00 per hour per Senator. (Plus you get Lunch)
- For access to Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Bill Thomas, the conservative American Enterprise Institute paid $873.81 per waking hour. In June of 2005 they spent $27,962.00 for him to spend 2 days in Beaver Creek, CO. (I am assuming that they had access to him 16 hours a day.) Appropriately enough, it was for a conference on entitlements.
Greed is not just good to these people; it is GOD
You do realise that both parties practice this????? Or are you just blind with stupidity?
Posted by: Randy | September 12, 2006 at 09:05 PM