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« Not-Union-Square | Main | Repealing the Estate Tax »

June 05, 2006



It's called class envy (warfare, if you will). It is one of the holiest shrines of the 21st century American left. It is an attempt to convince the "unwashed masses" that it is "fair " to confiscate the wealth of successful, hard working Americans. True, flotsam like the Kennedys will get a free pass, but that's the way America works. A successful person has wealth stolen throughout their life through punitive tax graduation; taken directly from the pages of the Communist Manifesto; (I know you do not like to read unnecessarily, but you really should check it out) then at the very end you would leap between they and their heirs and say "wait, we haven't taken quite enough yet". What is the source of such entitlement? I know that is a rhetorical question. The left believes it is duty bound to decide what is fair.

This thinking smothered half the planet during the last century. You now cheer it on not recognizing that it is in it's death throws.
Marx and Engels chuckle from their graves. "Amerika, whoda thunk" they are saying.


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