Geno's cheese Steaks are OK; nothing really special. Having lived for several years in Philadelphia; it's my humble opinion that they're not as good nor as authentic as Pat's. And if you don't care about authenticity and tradition, neither of these restaurants are the best. Try Jim's, D'Alessandro's, Chink's or even Rick's. Geno's is special only in the horrible job that they do at cleaning up the filth and litter that their customers leave behind.
But they now have a sign in their window: "This is America - when ordering, speak English." It has gotten them a lot of free publicity. Geno must have learned from the Rover/Bush team that the inferiority of your product is less important than your ability to stir up hatred, and so harvest headlines.
The service at Geno's really stinks. So I am hopeful that three U.S. Senators will soon leave their current job and work at Geno's where they can man the windows where you order, as well as the broom and the dustpan. Senators Kyl, Enzi and Alexander have more than enough of that sort of dishonest hypocrisy that's required to be a waiter at such an inferior institution. This trio were co-sponsors of Sen. Inhofe's Senate bill to enshrine English as our national language. This utterly hypocritical trio also publishes their web-site in Spanish as well as English.
Press 3 for English Skippy.
Posted by: Rick | June 13, 2006 at 08:35 AM
Posted by: sybil | June 14, 2006 at 12:40 AM
Typical of recent immigrants who have managed to learn passable English; Rick has no patience for those who came later and have not yet mastered the language.
Posted by: bbbustard | June 14, 2006 at 04:56 PM