It was just two TomFriedmans ago that Vice President Dick Cheney announced that the insurgency was in its "last throes." It was May 31, 2005 that CNN reported on his statement. Since then, 805 more U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq.
Today's NY Times reports that the Pentagon's quarterly report to the Congress yesterday said that the "strength of the insurgents 'will likely remain steady throughout 2006'" but "will begin to wane in early 2007." In other words, it will remain constant for a little more than one TomFriedman. Assuming that the Pentagon is not being overly optimistic, Cheney will be proven wrong by more than three TomFriedmans, and over 1200 U.S. Dead.
Why can't he just go back to shooting friends in the face?
P.S. When did the U.S. Government decide to run on TomFriedman time.