Neither of these items are really "news," just bits of information that I think are worth remembering:
- This past week the U.S.A. removed a country from the list of "terrorist" nations. Within the last 20 years, it's Socialist/Islamic government, led by a brutal dictator, has blown up a U.S. passenger plane, and bombed a disco in Berlin poplular with U.S. servicemen. We did not remove a smaller country, that has never blown up one of our planes, and never bombed a disco in the hopes of killing U.S troops, also led by a dictator, from the list of nations we declare as terrorist nations. The first is Libya, while the second is Cuba. If Castro finds off shore oil - how long before we either invade and overthrow him (Iraq), or recognize his government and start building an embassy(Libya).
- The Republican takeover of Congress was in 1994. In 1995 there were 1,439 earmarks attached to spending bills passed in the House. Ten years of Republican control, and in 2005 there were 13,997 earmarks attached. Crooks. (This info comes from the radical Heritage Foundation.)