Today's Washington Post has a piece on frequent Kos contributor, and wonderful writer, Maryscott O'Connor. She is angry, and filled with rage. She has very strong comments to make on Bush and his failed administration, because she is furious at the damage that he has done in all of our names.
Needless to say, the right wing blogosphere is having a field day discussing how unhinged she is. There is nothing surprising there. What is fascinating is their total lack of knowledge at how angry and outrageous many of their comments.
Betsy's page suggested that the reader "check out the tone in O'Connor's blog and those to whom she links. Then check out the tone on the blogs to which I link." Fine. One of her commenters was outraged that Bush had been labeled a dictator.
Riehl World View wrote this week " scratch a liberal and you get a fascist." They also mentioned that O'Connor has been "given her Sheehan-esque fifteen minutes of infamy."
So it's unhinged to call someone a dictator, but OK to call someone a fascist.
Little Green Footballs linked to a story about a 45 year old Muslim who enlisted his wives to assist him in raping his daughters. The story suggest that the man had 'subverted parts of the Koran to justify incest.' But the clear implication was that this is not a subversion of the Koran; and one commenter was explicit "Didn't;t subvert - followed the Koran. Highly flush-worthy." In the wing-nut world saying Happy Holidays is an attack on Christianity; saying that the Koran endorses incest and rape sets a good tone.
"It's all very simple... The New York Times,.. Michael Moore, CBS, Cindy Sheehan etc, are now, in huge measure, directly responsible for the ongoing death toll of Americans in Iraq."
Oh, and Ted Kennedy - he's "an especially pernicious enemy of the Republic, and a villain in the darkest context." But suggest that Bush or Rumsfeld might be responsible for some American deaths, and you are unhinged.
It's not a double standard that I am trying to point out here. It is the absolute lack of insight on the part of the right that is frightening. Maryscott O'Connor knows that she is enraged, Betsy is clueless.